Law Enforcement Gunfighting Techniques - Two Days
The Law Enforcement Gunfighting Techniques Course is broken down into two days to facilitate our two primary firearms. You can attend either day, or both days.
Our goal is to teach students to WIN. Our three core values will help the student succeed: Marksmanship, Manipulation and Mindset.
Day 1 will consist of pistol gunfighting techniques with an emphasis on rock-solid fundamentals. The day will start with working from the holster, performing reloads and clearing malfunctions. Students will then move into moving while shooting, multiple target acquisition, close quarters gunfighting and long-distance engagements. The day will end with drills to enhance the student’s combat performance, as they perform under stress and under non-ideal conditions.
Day 2 will consist of patrol carbine gunfighting techniques and will follow the same curriculum as day one.
Requirements: 400 rounds of ammo for each weapon, appropriate holster, mag pouch, carbine sling, at least three magazines for each weapon, eye and ear protection.